Posle brčkanja na -27m, danas konačno krćemo na svoj prvi trening u Blue Hole-u. Godinu dana iščekivanja za one koji su ovde već bili i mnoštvo snova za mene koji sam ovde prvi put.
Kao prava gospoda naručili smo taxi za 12h, pa smo imali vremena da danas spavamo malo duže, istegnemo se i zavaramo glad. Oprema za kamion: monoperaja, odela i bove, krenuli smo ka Blue Holu. Društvo u taxiju nam prave Gordon Savić i Robert King sa kojima prijateljstvo datira od ranijih takmičenja.
Uz lagano ćaskanje i put kroz pustinju konačno stižemo do „plave rupe“ i Aqua Marine, poznatog kafića za sve freedivere. Ali, naš domaćin, nas smešta u lounge deo gde se opuštamo pred zaron.
Sam trening je prošao dobro, malo nam je oduzelo vremena nameštanje bove i traženje prave lokacije. Sve je u redu, možemo da krenemo.
Dogovorili smo se oko redosleda zarona i ono što se čuje jeste samo disanje troje ljudi. Vidljivost i nije baš najidealnija, obzirom da ona u idealnim uslovima ide čak do 40m. Radomir na treningu rešava svoj probleme sa izjednjačavanjem pritiska na 20m, dok Goran i ja radimo par FRC zarona, po jednu statiku na 20m i sa opuštenim dijafragmama se spremamo za naredna 3 zarona.
Trening završavamo prezadovoljni jer su zaroni išli više nego lagano. Bez forsiranja smo više puta ponovili dubinu od preko 30m da bi se navikli na okruženje samog Blue Hola i na taj način nam je poželeo dobrodošlicu.
Uf...sad mogu malo da se opustim...Vraćamo se u hotel oko 19h, tuš i idemo da se nađemo sa Sarom Campbell, koja je jedan od najboljih žena freedivera, kako bi sa njom i ostalim freediverima odradili čas kundalini joge. Wow, kakvo prelepo iskustvo...prava stvar...odmah smo zakazali još 4 seanse koje će biti tokom sledeće nedelje.
Ova sensa je stvarno super...vrsta "workshop-a" koji Sara često održava u Dahabu. Vrlo korisna stvar za ljude koji svoju energiju žele da usmere tamo gde im je najpotrebnija.
Na videu je moj zaron od danas./This is my dive from today.
After our fun 27 meter dive yesterday, we're finally off to our first training at Blue Hole. One year of waiting for those who have been here before and jitters for me, to see the legendary Hole for the first time. Dreams and expectations for a long time. And now the reality.
After our fun 27 meter dive yesterday, we're finally off to our first training at Blue Hole. One year of waiting for those who have been here before and jitters for me, to see the legendary Hole for the first time. Dreams and expectations for a long time. And now the reality.
Like true VIPs we ordered a taxi for noon, so we had time to sleep in, do some stretching and try our best to ignore the hunger we are feeling (we don't eat before a dive). There is a truckload of equipment: monofins, suits, buoys... our companions in the taxi are Gordon Savić and Robert King, guys we know from previous competitions.
We chatted while we drove trough the desert, then came to the Blue Hole and Aqua Marine, a freediver cafe hot spot. Ali, the owner, was waiting for us and set us up in the lounge to chill before the dive.
It took a while to find the right spot and fix the buoy. And we go!We agreed on the order we'd dive, so no debates there. Before launch, all we could hear was the deep breathing of three people. Visibility was not that good, considering that in ideal conditions it can reach 40 meters. Radomir was solving his problems with balancing his pressure at 20 meters, while Goran and I did a few FRC dives and one static at 20 meters. With relaxed diaphragms we were ready for the next three dives.
It was really, really good training, so the dives went smoothly. No stress; we went past 30 meters to gaze at the surroundings of Blue Hole. This legendary spot greeted us in the best possible way!
Whew, I could relax once it was done. We got back to the hotel at 7:00 PM, showered and left to meet Sara Campbell, one of the best female freedivers in the world. We had a class of kundalini yoga with her and the other freedivers that are here. Wow, what an experience. This is the real thing... we'll take another four sessions while here in Dahab over the next few weeks.
This is a really good thing, Sara gives these classes quite often in Dahab. They're very useful for people that want to channel their energy to the places they need it the most.
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