Sunday, August 30, 2009

DAN 14/DAY 14


   Jutro je, posle dva dana odmora, dan za trening. Svako već zna otrpilike šta će da radi tako da se pakujemo i krećemo ka Blue Holu.
Stižemo, ALI nam daje prva mesta, opuštamo se i ulazimo u vodu.
Svako radi svoje warm up zarone i nakon 25 minuta krećemo!
   Danas je dan kada neki probaju CNF a neki ostaju pri CWT-u.
Posle dobrog zagrevanja prvi je išao Goran u CNF-u, ali nakon osećaja umora odustaje na dubini od -32 metara, kasnije je pokušao da ponovi odličan zaron od -50 metara CWT i ponovo vidi Arch ali se zbog problema i skviza zbog kapuljace vraća sa -47m. 
   To je jedan od problema sa kojim smo se susretali sva trojica, na kraju je i taj problem rešen tako sto smo proširili svoje već postojeće rupice na kapuljačama i omogucili vodi da prodre u usni kanal pod povecanim pritiskom.

   “Mali Urke” tj. ja, sam na taj trening krenuo krajnje opušteno i spremno da posle par dana ponovo probam disciplinu za koju mislim da mi najbolje leži, CNF (constant no fins).
Kao i obično u Blue Holu oko 13h kreće plima i ako duva vetar prate je i talasi što nam svima dodatno otežava pripremu za zaron. Zbog takvih uslova sam odlučio da se pripremam ležeći na leđima sa nogama podigutim na bovu. Posle trbušnog disanja i par dubljih udaha usledio je poslednji udah, "pakovanje", a potom i zaron. Priprema je trajala nekih 5-10min, i posle gledanja u nebo, zaranjanje glave u plavi ambis mi je više nego pokrenulo ronilački refleks i neverovatan mir i opuštenost u celom organizmu.
   Posle -20m je naglo počeo freefall, gde telo postaje negativno plovno i dovoljno je da se samo opustite i izjednačavate pritisak, ja sam bukvalno zaspao da bi me posle pola minuta najlepsih snova probudio alarm dubine koji je bio podešen na -40m. Okret na -41m i dug put ka gore, koji su mi znatno olakšali Urke i Goran kao safety freediver-i sačekavši me na -20m ka povrsini.
   Bio je to drugi trening u CNF-u za mene i definitivno je ovo disciplina na kojoj ću u budućnosti više raditi.

   Urke taj dan radi zagrevanje na -43 metara i nakon toga -62 metara CWT. 
Iz naših očiju kao safety diver-a moglo se zaključiti da ima tu još metara da se postigne.
Dosta ljudi je već došlo, polako se Aqva Marina puni freediverima iz celog sveta.
Uveče se opušamo i komentrišemo kako imamo još nekoliko treninga što nas sve jako raduje.

Pišem vam sad malo o “lerovima” ili ti “problemima”.

Nemamo vodu u sobama, tj. nekad je imamo, nekad nemamo, pritisak se menja na svakih 30 secundi, a o toploj vodi da ne pričamo, to ne postoji...
   Taksijem se vozimo kao ovce ili u prikolici i slušamo njihove narodnjake.
Rade je verovatno zbog njihove hrane i nehigijene imao problema sa stomakom i razbio je nos u bazenu.
Gorana je izujedala na spavanju neka buba pa se osuo na dva dana.
Urke nikad zdraviji, ali je na sebi prepoznao simtome različitih bolesti.
   Nemoguće je spavati bez klime. Sve prostorije su klimatizovane, ali na 20Cº ispod spoljne temperature, duva jak vetar i pošto smo u pustinji nosi pesak i prašinu.
Zbog svega toga u poslednje vreme svi imamo problema sa sinusima, a pomalo i sa izjednačavanjem.
Što se tiče hrane, dovoljno je reći da smo svi smrsali po 3-4kg.

Ali su sve ovo Egipćani nadoknadili neverovatnom ljubaznošću i lepim gestovima.


   Morning yet again, and after two days of rest we're off to Blue Hole once more. We all know what we want to do today, so we are packing accordingly.
We arrive. Ali gives us the best spots, we relax and get into water. We all do our own warm-up dives for 25 minutes, then off we go!
   Today is the day some of us will do CNF (Constant Weight Apnea Without Fins) and some will go for CWT (Constant Weight Apnea).
Goran goes for CNF, but after feeling tired he bails at 32 meters. Later he tries for a deeper dive (50 meters, CWT) to see the Arch again, but after problems and pressure from his hood he exits at 47 meters. 
   This hood problem was something all three of us experienced. We solved it by making the existing holes in our hoods bigger.

   I'm very relaxed for this dive and eager to try again my favorite discipline and the one that best suits me, CNF. As usual, at 1 PM the tide starts in the Blue Hole and the wind starts blowing, so the waves come. This makes it really hard to prepare for diving. So I prepare by floating on my back, with my legs up on the buoy. After stomach breathing and a few deep breaths, I do my last breath, pack air and dive. This takes 5-10 minutes, and after staring at the sky, going to the Blue Abyss triggers the diving reflex and incredible peace surges through my body.
   After 20 meters, freefall starts, the body becomes negative and all you have to do is relax and balance your pressure. I literally fell asleep and after half a minute of perfect dreams my depth alarm (set to 41 meters) wakes me up. I return and go back - the long way is easier with Urke and Goran as my safety freedivers waiting at 20 meters.
    This was my second training in CNF and only the beginning. I'll keep working on it in the future.

    Urke did a warm-up at -43 meters and then a CWT dive at -62. From what we see as his safety divers, he definitely can go deeper.
There are a lot of people here. Aqua Marina is now full of freedivers from all over the world.
We relax in the evening and talk about the few remaining dives we have to do. We're very happy about this.

In the midst of all this happiness, let me tell you a bit about the problems we have.

There is no consistent water supply in our rooms. Sometimes we have it, sometimes we don't. The water pressure changes every 30 secunds. Hot water is a dream.
   The taxi drives us like cattle. We bounce around in the trailer, Arabic folk music at full blast.
Rade had a lot of physical problems because of the occasionally unsanitary conditions (including food preparation). He also busted his nose in the swimming pool, which didn't help.
Goran had a big rash from some bug that bit him while he was asleep. The rash lasted two days.
Urke has never been better, even though he thinks he has the symptoms of every disease known to man.
   There is no way to sleep without air conditioning. Every room has it, so the interior temperature is 20Cº lower than outside . 
There is a strong wind blowing, and since we are in the middle of the desert the wind grabs the sand and dirt and throws it around. 
Because of this we all have problems with sinuses and with balancing our pressure.
As for the food, we've all lost 3-4kg.
BUT...all this is balanced out by the kindness of the locals.


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