Jutro kao i obično, svako ima svoju rutinu pre ronjenja što se može zaključiti iz predhodnih blogova. Neko ustaje u 7h i već počinje sa vežbama disanja i izjednačavanja, a neki spavaju do pola sata pre polaska.
Jutro kao i obično, svako ima svoju rutinu pre ronjenja što se može zaključiti iz predhodnih blogova. Neko ustaje u 7h i već počinje sa vežbama disanja i izjednačavanja, a neki spavaju do pola sata pre polaska.
Isto mesto, isto vreme, isti ljudi i uvek drugaciji Blue Hole.
Crvena bova na talasima, za nju vezan konopac koji prolazi pored Archa i vodi do samog dna Blue Hola.
Za konopac se kačimo “lajnerima" koji svako kači pre i skida posle svog zarona, jedina stvar koja vas u plavetnilu drži “vezanim” za spoljni svet..
Polako počinje guzva, sve je više ljudi na treninzima tako da na putu ka dole u momentima dok su mi oči povremeno otvorene susrećem neke druge freedivere u dubini, a ponekad u slobodnom padu, ukoliko sve ide kako treba samo proletim pored njih ka dubini. Osećaj spajanja prirode i čoveka.
Svi idemo prilično duboko na treninzima i otrpilike imamo osećaj ko je gde i šta ko može od sebe da očekuje. Progres do sada je jako uočljiv i pitanje je vremena kada će se zaron “otvoriti”, nigde ne žurimo jer ovo radimo iz uživanja.
Sutra je vreme da probamo FIM (free imersion) i CNF (constant no fins).
Predveče, na insistiranje Gordona Savića krećemo na jednu od mnogobrojnih planina koje okružuju Dahab.
Danas je Radetovo poslednje veče u Dahabu jer zbog obaveza i posla ostaje sa nama samo deset dana. Iz tog razloga je Gordon izabrao baš to posle podne da bi na to posebno mesto otišli svi zajedno!Vožnja džipom od pola sata do podnožja planine i kratak uspon do samog vrha.
Izlaz na vrh planine otvara prelep pogled na ceo Dahab, preko mora pa sve do Saudijske Arabije..
Za razliku od ostalih “pametnijih” turista mi smo gore sačekali noc, neočekivana promena celog okruženja, kao da sedite na vrhu sveta u tišini ispod tamnog neba prošaranog mnoštvom zvezda.
Osećaj punjenja nekom čudnom i pozitivnom energijom, nema mirisa, ukusa ni zvuka. Ovo je mesto na kopnu koje se može porediti sa dubinom mora.
This morning is the usual drill, as you've read in previous posts. Someone gets up at 7:00 AM and starts with breathing exercises, and someone else is still asleep half an hour before we have to leave.
This morning is the usual drill, as you've read in previous posts. Someone gets up at 7:00 AM and starts with breathing exercises, and someone else is still asleep half an hour before we have to leave.
Same place, same time, same people... but always a different Blue Hole.
Red buoy on the waves. The rope from it goes right next to Arch and descends to the bottom of the Hole.
We connect to the rope with liners. We put on the liners and take them off after every dive. They are the only objects that connect us to the world in this Deep Blue.
It starts to get "crowded" here. There are more and more divers on site, so on my way down in the moments when I open my eyes I can see others moving in the depths. Sometimes in free fall, if everything is okay, I just zoom past them to the bottom. Man and nature are one.
We all go pretty deep on our dives, and know well what we can do and expect from ourselves. Improvement is huge; it is just a question of time when the dive will "open". No hurry, we do it for the kicks.
Tomorrow we will try FIM (free immersion) and CNF (constant, no fins).
In the evening, with Gordon Savic insisting, we go to one of the mountains next to Dahab.
It is Rade's last night with us - tomorrow he has to go home, where work and life waits for him. That is why Gordon chose this night to do something special with us.
We drove the jeep half an hour through the desert and had a short climb up to the top of the mountain. From there, you can see all of Dahab, and over the sea all the way to Saudi Arabia.
Unlike our fellow tourists we waited for night to fall on the peak. This was an unexpected change in surroundings. I sit on the top of the world enjoying perfect peace under the blackness of the sky sprinkled with the craziness of stars.
Unlike our fellow tourists we waited for night to fall on the peak. This was an unexpected change in surroundings. I sit on the top of the world enjoying perfect peace under the blackness of the sky sprinkled with the craziness of stars.
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