Na bovi kao i na suvom svako od nas ima svoj način opuštanja i koncentracije pre zarona..Neko leži na leđima dok se jednom rukom drži za bovu, neko je okrenut na stomak i drži disalicu u ustima do poslednjeg udaha odnosno zarona. Kakva god da je priprema vodi ka istom cilju...
Posledniji udah i po potrebi pakovanje (u zavisnosti od dubine zarona).
Pošto je konopac postavljen uz sam greben svaki zaron bi trebalo da budemo okrenutu licem ka grebenu jer struja zna konopac da prilepi uz greben što može da bude opasno.Tokom zarona zbog bolje koncetracije se uglavnom žmuri, zbog toga postiji mogućnost udaranja u grben što bi na većoj dubini bilo kobno. Posle par treninga smo već naučili svaki deo tog grebena tako da ne bi trebalo da bude problema.
Zašto ronimo?
Pitanje na koje teško da neko od nas ima konkretan odgovor.
Zašto tražimo način da idemo što dublje, jer što smo dublje, sve nam više ponestaje vazduha za izjednacavanje zbog povećanja pritiska, ali mi razlićitim tehnikama tražimo ono malo vazduha što je ostalo da se izjednači barem još jednom i ide dublje.
Zašto? To nema veze sa dokazivanjem, sa prestižom, popularnošću ili novcem kao što je to slučaj u komercijalnijim sportovima.
Zašto idemo u plavi ambis kad po većini ljudi tamo nema ničega, a nama je tamo sve. Koja je poenta?
Pitanja koja nam često postavljaju…
Ronjenjem tražim mir, tražim sebe, jer u dubini i tom plavetnilu ostajem sam sa sobom i sa jednim dahom, dahom koji ljudi troše uzalud, a ja svaki želim da držim što duže.
Ronim jer je to osećaj koji ne može da se poredi ni sa čim na svetu, osećaj pritiska na telo koji se iz metra u metar povećava, negativna plovnost posle odredjene dubine kada možete samo da se opustite i “uživate u vožnji” dok vas plavetnilo vuče dublje (free fall). Kao da vas more u toj opuštenosti tela sve više prihvata i ako ste zaslužili dozvoljava vam da idete dublje.
Nema misli, nema stresa, potpuna jednostavnost koja nam svima znači mnogo.
Trenirate cele godine: teretana, trčanje, bicikla, plivanje itd, da bi došli na ovako mesto, bovu, konopac i tako jednostavno zaronili. Neki bi rekli zar toliki trud samo zbog toga?
A ustvari bi svi uradili i mnogo više…
Svi smo drugačije osobe, individualci, ali delimo istu strast koja nas sve spaja u dubini, a i na površini kao dobre prijatelje.
I kad napišem ovo imam utisak da ništa nisam rekao, jer je ovo samo mali deo cele priče i da bi se nešto ovako osetilo mora da se voli i naravno da se zaroni...:)

Each of us has his/her own way of preparing for the dive, both on the buoy and on land.Some of us float on our backs holding the buoy, some are on their stomach in the water with a snorkel in the mouth until the last breath before they dive. No matter what the method, the aim is the same.
Last breath and possible "packing" of air (depending on depth you want). Rope is right to the sea wall and we have to dive with our face to the cliff, current can slam the rope to the cliff and that can be really dangerous. During the dive I have my eyes closed for concentration so being slammed to the cliff can be fatal on bigger depth. After few dives you learn the sea wall, so there are no problems with this.
Why do we dive?
No way to give an all-encompassing answer to this, it's too complex.
Why are we on a constant quest to stay longer and go deeper? The deeper we go, the less air we have to balance the pressure we feel. With different techniques we are searching for a way to do it and go a bit deeper and stay a bit longer.
Why? It has nothing to do with proving yourself, with prestige, popularity or money like in commercial sports.
Why do we go to Deep Blue when there is nothing there for most people? But there is something there for all of us in this little crew. What is the point?
Those are questions we get a lot…
Diving gives me peace, myself, in that Blue I stay alone, with one breath, the same breath people waste for nothing. I need that one.
Diving is a feeling that cannot compare to anything I know. The feeling of pressure that grows from meter to meter. The negative float after a certain depth that pulls you into free fall, where you can just relax and let go. It's like the sea is taking me more and more and if I deserve it, it will let me in deeper and deeper.
No difficulty, no stress. Simplicity that means a lot to all of us.
You train every day, the whole year round: gym, swimming pool, bike. At the end of it is simply a buoy and rope and, you just dive. "All that for this?" somebody would ask.
In fact we would do much more for it…
We are all different, individual, but we share the same passion for depth and share a friendship for it on the land.
Writting this it seems like I have said nothing, since there is SO MUCH more to it. You have to feel it, and to feel it you have to DIVE :).
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