Saturday, August 22, 2009

DAN 06/DAY 06

40 M

   Da vas ne davim sve o ustajanju, doručku i istežanju, to je uvek isto. U nekom od sledećih postova pisaću vam malo o hrani i o likovima ovde.
   Blue Hole opet...jeeeee...Taksistu koji nas je vozio, ostatak ekipe poznaje od prošle godine. Simpatičan tip koji ih je vozio Peugeot-om 404 starim 36 godina, u poslednjem stadijumu raspadanja, ali je ipak njime izvodio čuda na kamenitom, neravnom putu ka Blue Hole-u. Ali za 36 godina zaradio je dovoljno da starog Peugeota zameni novim Pick up-om. Vožnja je komfornija i sigurnija, ali mnogo manje živopisnija nego prošle godine. Na radiju kidaju muslimanske pesme...srećom, put ne traje dugo...:)
    Trening je bio odlican. Goran i ja idemo do respektnih 40m, vrlo lagani i opušteni zaroni. Uroš Kojić se i danas zagreva na dubinama od 40-50m. 
Radeta problem sa izjednjačavanjem pritiska i dalje zadržava na 20m.
    So far, so good... Nadamo se još boljim danima koji dolaze. Ovih dana se završilo takmičenje u Danskoj, tako da se ovde očekuje mnogo više freediver-a, tako da će ekipa biti veća.

40 M

   No more talk about getting up and what we do: it's always the same. In some of the next few posts I will write more about food and some of the characters we have met here.
   Blue Hole again...yeah... The guys know the cab driver that took us here from their time last year. He's an interesting character that drove a 36-year old Peugeot404 in its dying days, somehow doing wonders with it on the rocky road to Blue Hole. He finally made enough money after 36 years to get a new pickup. His drive is now more comfortable and secure, but it's a story less worth telling. The Arabic songs from the radio are rapidly starting to get on our nerves... thank God the drive is short :).
    The training was simply great. Goran and me got down to a respectable 40 meters, very easy and very relaxed. Uros Kojic is practicing at 40-50 meter depths and Rade is still at 20 meters due to his problems balancing pressure.
    So far, so good... we are hoping for better days to come. A competition in Denmark just ended, so we are expecting more freedivers here. The crew will be bigger and there are going to be more people to meet. And more stories to tell.


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