Ustajem oko 9h. Rade kao i obično već budan, radi vežbe izjednačavanja na suvom ne bi li rešio svoj problem sa izjednačavanjem i u moru, tj. dubini.
Urke i Goran naravno duže spavaju, preskačem im preko terase i kradem Goranu med.
Oko 10h radimo vezbe disanja, istezanja koje je svako od nas prilagodio sam sebi..
U 12h nas taksi čeka ispred hotela, poznato lice, Bizo, taksista od prošle godine, koji je promenio auto i na to je veoma ponosan.
Krećemo ka Blue Holu ”putem” na koji se još uvek nisam navikao, seoski put, pun rupa, usput nas jure divlji psi i beduini nam se kače na prikolicu da bi se prevezli do svoje destinacije, sunce je jako ali podnošljivo zbog jakog vetra.
Stižemo u Aqua Marinu, gde nas čeka “freediving separe”, sedimo u tišini nekih 45min. jer se svako pre ulaska u vodu bori sa svojim tripovima, ciljevima i dubinom uma.
Oblače se odela, nameštaju alarmi dubine na satovima, stavljaju se pojasi sa tegovima, lajneri i ostala oprema…Ubacujemo bove, kačimo se za reef i spuštamo konopac do dubine od 70m..
Dve bove u vodi, na jednoj Uroš Kojic (Urke) i Robert King, a na drugoj Goran Pejčić, Radomir Saičić i moja malenkost. Unapred je dogovoren red zarona i ko će kome biti safety freediver.
Najbolja vidljivost do sada, preko 30m, što svima otvara želju za dublim zaronom.
Oko kanapa gomila prelepih ribica neverovatnih boja, u jednom trenutku je prošla i veća riba za koju smo kasnije saznali da je vrsta ajkule, uraaa...
Posle par zagrevanja (warm up-ova) poćinje priprema za dublje zarone.
Na ovom treningu su svi napravili svoje personal best-ove, najdublje zarone, koji su se kretali od 28m (Radomir) pa do Robertovih 70m :)…on inace radi 80m, ali se privikava na dubinu, ima jos vremena do takmičenja.
Svi su više nego zadovoljni.
Probijanjem svakog metra shvatam da se sve više zaljubljujem u ovaj sport, osećaj pritiska, menjanja svetlosti, od svetlo plave boje ka ambisu Blue Hola, izdaha pri izronu. Ovo ne mogu da se poredim ni jednim osećajem na svetu…želim dole da ostanem što duže.
We get up at 9:00 AM. Rade is already awake. He's practicing his pressure balancing so he can deal with the problems he has in the sea depths. Urke and Goran are still asleep, so I will just jump over their terrace and steal Goran's honey for breakfast.
Around 10:00 we work together, doing stretching and breathing exercises. Everybody has their own methods for achieving this.
At noon, Bizo comes to pick us up, still proud of his new pick-up.
We go to Blue Hole on the "road" I am still not accustomed to. Dirt path, full of holes, our vehicle chased by wild dogs and Bedouins hanging from our trailer trying to catch a ride to wherever they need to go. Local color. The sun is powerful and heavy, but bearable thanks to strong wind we have here.
We come to Aqua Marina, where we go to the "freediving lounge". We sit in silence for 45 minutes. Before we dive, each of us deals with his own ghosts, aims and the depths of his own mind.
We put on the skin of our wet suits, fix the depth alarms on our watches, and put the weight on, the liners and the other equipment we need. Buoys in, we mount the reef and drop our rope down 70 meters into the water.
Two buoys in: on one Uros Kojic (Urke) and Robert King, and on the other Goran, Rade and I. We know who dives when and who's the safety diver on each dive.
Today's the best visibility we've had yet, over 30 meters. We are all eager to go deeper.
There are many beautiful fish of incredible colors swirling around the rope. At one point, there's a big one, which we later found out was a type of mini shark! Wh-hoo!!!
After a few warm ups we do the deep dives. All of us did our personal best on these, from 28 meters (Rade) to 70 (Robert). Robert can do 80, but he is still getting accustomed to the depth, the site and the sensations. But there is still a lot of time before the competition.
We are more than happy with the dives of today.
Moving my boundaries with every meter, I am falling more and more in love with this sport. The feeling of water pressure, the change of light from pale blue to the darkness of the abyss, exhaling while in the water... none of this can be compared to anything else a person can feel... I want to stay down in the depths longer and longer.
Water is a natural surrounding for me and I feel more and more unified with it.
> želim dole da ostanem sto duže
ReplyDeleteFantasticno! Malo je reci koliko je ovo zarazno i sta je fascinantnije u celoj prici... Bravo!